
You’ll never know the true meaning of wasted time until you read this

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase countless amounts of time that you can get alot of things back but you can’t get time back . As often as this is spewed around in society you would think many would have caught on already. Sadly , many haven’t . This saying couldn’t be more true. So many people are giving their time away and suffering immensely due to it . Some never realizing it as well . Well I will tell you this here . . I can’t say this article will for sure make you never give your valuable time away again but I will say this … If you read this article you definitely have read the key ingredient to never give your time away again . Now , what you do with this advice after reading this article is 110% up to you .

See we’ve all been guilty of giving our time away and getting nothing in return . But it’s not about how many times we have been victims to this it’s about what we will do after we know the truth about our time . So I’m going to challenge you today here in this article to never give your time away again for useless matters . This will probably ruffle some feathers and I’m willing to deal with the ramifications of that . So let’s get to it .

Countless of times we’ve all had that one friend , hey sometimes it’s even a family member that wants to rant on and on and on about their problems , or their relationship , their health etc. Etc. And yes they want YOU yes YOU to be there unconditionally and listen to every word . Yes they want you to stop all you’re doing , they don’t care if you’re working , attending to your children , out on a date , working out , having peace of mind time with your family etc. They want the world to stop for them and their situation at hand . Well I’m here to tell you my friends …. Therapist get paid , preacher’s get paid , teachers get paid , coaches get paid , mentors get paid , taxis get paid and the list goes on and on .

See what I want you to do right now , right at this very moment is stop and ask yourself … Who are your friends ? Is it your social media friends list ? Is it your co workers ? Is it your contacts in your phone ? Is it even your family ? See last time I checked friendship is a deep thing . When was the last time your friend or friends world stopped for YOU ?? When was the last time your friends woke up at 3 am to come get you when you were stranded ? When was the last time your friends took you in when you had nowhere to stay ? When was the last time your friends gave you money when you were in dire need of it ? If they haven’t or cannot do these things then they are NOT TRUE FRIENDS . They are “chat buddies” and guess what … There’s plenty of better shit to do with your time then chat with people allday . For example… That extra time given to these people talking about 99% of the time bullshit . You could be given that time to your family , children , TRUE FRIEND OR FRIENDS , working more , working out for your betterment , having more YOU TIME , peace of mind etc.

Friendships have to be a two way street . And I mean LITERALLY . So many people these days are quick to ask for your social media contact info . I’m sure you’re all too familiar with the term … “Hey what’s your Facebook” or “Hey pass me your number” . Right there and then is where you need to stop people and say , listen I take friendship pretty serious . And I just wanna say , if you’re not going to meet the qualifications of a true friend and be there for me 110% like I would be there for you then we do not need to exchange that information. This does not mean you have to never speak to this individual or individual’s ever again . This just means you are establishing truth ! And this means you are respecting your time . Who the hell has time to be on a phone allday ot night hearing someone else’s problems? I know I don’t. If you wanna do that go right on ahead but I have a wife , a child and a job . Anything outside of that circle has to be giving more than it’s taking . And if it is bringing nothing to the table to better my circle then I need not give it any time if I choose or very very minimal time if I choose . As I mentioned earlier in this article…. Therapist, preacher’s etc all get paid for their time . I am niether of those titles . And guess what … If you aren’t either then you do not have to give up your time .

Are you lacking in finances? Are you lacking in your relationship with quality time ? Are you lacking quality time spent with your children ? Are you lacking in your physical health ? If you answered yes to any of these questions then RESPECT YOUR TIME NOW! Do not go another day being a free therapist , coach etc. Like I said earlier… What you do with this information is on you . I did my part in letting you know . So don’t ever say no one’s taught you on this matter . Until next article LIVE FREE !


Reality Chuck

This is an introduction to my blog which will consist of multiple articles on various topics . I intend to speak reality in all of my posts as I feel our world is lacking in reality at an alarming rate . I will speak on subjects people tend to not even dare to speak on . My hopes is to get viewers to see the bigger picture in everything . I’m Looking forward to a great journey , see you in my next post

~Chuck Jeannette~


It was November 30th 2020 when I first tested positive for Covid 19 for the first time in my life since the pandemic began . First Covid test ever , first positive reading , first near death experience of my life . One may ask how did I get through a whole pandemic without ever even getting a test done ? Well I’ve been an independent contractor now for over 3 years so that’s kind of what made me dodge things of that nature. Now one may ask , why would I not test for what is the leading virus in our country at the moment , actually leading in the entire world . I never believed the virus to be a hoax that is , i just never thought it was on the magnitude that it was being scaled at . I knew the virus was real as I seen people becoming ill , even personal friends of my own I seen fall ill . All to inform me it was nothing but the common cold with the oddest being loss of tatse and smell longer than the average cold or flu . I lived my life daily wearing a face mask when I deemed it was ok to wear one and not following any guidelines to the standards asked . Never getting not even the slightest cold or anything throughout this whole pandemic . Was I a lucky man ? Most healthiest man ? Healthy man yes . Even took vitamins and supplements daily , ate fairly well , exercised 5-6 days a week religiously and was a VERY strong man . Lucky ? Definitely lucky to go so long without catching the virus and definitely lucky I’m here to talk about it today .

So let’s move forward here a little bit … On November 26th is when I developed a smell and taste that I never had in my life ever experienced before . Everywhere I went I could smell and taste this smell . It was the most disgusting smell or taste I ever encountered . My description of this smell I would say was diesel gas mixed with vomit . I would ask my wife consistently if she could smell it and she would tell me no I don’t smell any odd smell . I then began asking people around town while out . No one was experiencing this smell but I . I thought maybe it was a smell just in the air around town or something . I brushed my teeth countless of times , washed my beard and no matter what I still smelled this smell and had a taste of it on my mouth . Never in a million years while this is going on did I think this would be Covid . From the 26th to the 30th of November I began each day that passed having weird breathing symptoms , kind of like trying to catch a breath and or huffing very easily . I thought nothing of it . I was also on a heart monitor prescribed by my cardiologist through all of this . And my wife kept seeing me hit the button more than usual and would repeatedly ask me if I was ok . I would tell her just feeling like short of breath it’s weird . When it hit the 30th I developed a cough . I remember walking to my car and just had lots of trouble breathing . I told my wife I’m headed to the hospital to checked for a heart attack . Infact I was banking on I was having a heart attack . When I arrived at the hospital I was given blood test , ekg and they ordered a Covid test . I didn’t care this time I said I’m getting it done because I just knew something was wrong with me and I did not want them to half ass me because I didn’t wanna take a Covid test . So here it was my first Covid test ever since this pandemic began . Ekg came back normal , blood work came back low WBC , Covid test POSITIVE ! I said ohhhh K . Definitely wasn’t expecting that . They sent me home with two forms of Tylenol . One regular Tylenol for my fever I had which was 102 and Tylenol codeine for my cough . They said this is why you’re feeling the way you are it’s from the Covid . They said quarantine obviously , rest , take Tylenol for the fever and the Tylenol codeine for cough . I left the hospital that night went home and the very next day was back in the hospital with labored breathing . It was now December 1st and I was facing acute respiratory distress and Covid pneumonia in my left lung. I was admitted into the hospital and placed on oxygen. From only December 1st -December 3rd I reached Severe respiratory failure . I was placed on a CPAP mask which is one step away from being ventilated . Another x-ray was taken on the 3rd of my lungs and this showed double Covid pneumonia in both lungs along now with Tachardyia and Covid sepsis as well . My body was losing hope . I had barely any white blood cell count on my lab work . As the days went on things began to get worse . Finally a 3rd and final x-ray was taken . This x-ray revealed after treatment … Still double Covid pneumonia , severe respiratory failure , and full blown infiltration of my lungs at this point . I was literally shocked of what was happening to me . And as if I needed it to get worse a nurse walked in with a specialist one night and asked the specialist began to ask me a few questions . Those questions were … Hi Are you married ? I replied yes . Do you have children ? I replied yes . Do you have access to media outlet sir ? Yes . I then asked why are you asking me this . He replied you are very sick sir and could be possibility you will not make it . We’re going to do all we can but we also ask keep close access to media outlet in case of worse case scenario . I then asked the specialist what is the plan I don’t understand . What are you guys going to do . He replied we are going to do all we can . Please pray he told me , do lots of praying . It was at that point there my world literally crashed . I was dying ! Never in my life have I faced death before until this very moment.

I had alot of decisions to make at this point . I thought of so many things . I thought of people I had grudges with , family members , friends etc. And I said to myself wow ! I will never be able to create memories with these people again , never see them again . How dumb could I have been to hold these grudges . I thought of my wife more than anyone though . How is she going to cope with this ? How do I even tell her I’m dying ? If anything broke me the most it was her getting the news and at that me dying on a duo call with her and her never getting a last hug , last kiss , touch and never seeing my body alive again . I thought of my daughter as well . How does my wife explain this to her daily that her father is gone . What do you say to a 3yr old that expects her dad everyday already ? I was in a very bad place in my mind at that moment . I didn’t know what to do , where to go to , who to call . I then stopped and finally came to God .

I called upon God and Jesus Christ . And I was as honest as I could get . I said Christ I’m not gonna ask you to save my life because I know the man I been here on this earth . I know I denied you many times and did not believe in you . I said Lord all I’m asking of you is you to help me accept this for I will admit I’m afraid. Afraid of what death is . Will I live again in spirit ? Is it just lights out Lord and nothing ever again ? Will I see my loved ones again in another realm ? All these questions I asked . And then I said if there’s any bit of you that decides to spare me I want nothing to do with it . Let it be totally your will and not mine . For if I ask you to spare me Lord it will be like a man asking to another man a favor of that man after he did that man wrong . I then said my final words to Jesus Christ which were … Just please take care of my wife and babygirl when I’m gone thank you Lord .

Two hours later a nurse returned to my room with an odd look on her face when checking vitals , monitors etc. She said hmmm your oxygen levels have improved slightly. I said what does this mean while breathing very rough and barely able to talk . She said this is a good thing . By morning a specialist walks in with a nurse to tell me my oxygen further increased . He then looked at me and said my Friend you have a chance here tapped my leg , smiled and left my room . It was at that moment I knew God was real ! I balled tears ! Things got better and better oxygen wise , I was taken off the CPAP mask in record time according to their staff . They told me when putting me on the CPAP mask that I would be on it possibly 4 weeks . They said at most if lucky 2 weeks . They’ve never seen no one off it in two weeks . I was off the CPAP mask in a record breaking 2 DAYS !!! They said they’ve never witnessed this before and that I’m a walking miracle . Though this was my highlight moment of being in the hospital it did not come without further hardships . Infact little did I know what awaited me physically .

Reality kicked in once the CPAP mask came off . The next day they brought lunch to my room . To remind you I have not eaten in days already from all the oxygen I was on and different masks before the CPAP mask . When they brought me food I said wow I get to eat ?!?! I was literally ecstatic . However when the nurse asked me could I sit up to eat I said yea I should be ok . She said hold on let me elevate your bed. As she elevated my bed I went to turn and noticed I couldn’t move . I thought ok just a little stiff most likely . I attempted again and could not turn . Nurses then began to help . As they finally sat me up I was extremely lightheaded , and looked like a newborn trying to sit straight up for the very first time . I couldn’t hold my body nor head up straight . I looked like a bobble head doll literally . It was at that moment I cried prefusley . I asked the nurse I had a stroke didn’t I . She replied no you didn’t have a stroke you’re just very weak and very sick . This turned in to a whole other journey for the coming days . I was then bathed , clothes changed , and even had to be wiped while being sat on a toilet . Speaking of toilet the first time I had to use the portable toilet I was picked up by Three nurses . And this was the first time since admitted that I stood on my legs . When they got me to my feet instantly I collapsed like an accordion. I could not even feel my legs . At this point I was telling myself wow what did this virus do to my body ! I now knew Covid was as real as it gets and far from a flu or anything I’ve ever seen or had before . On December 16th I was finally released from the hospital to remain on oxygen at home until doctors orders to taper off . At home I could not shower on my own , get dressed on my own and or walk without help . Toughest part being able to walk up any steps .

Covid 19 is real . As real as it gets . I ignored guidelines . Again never to say it was fake but I thought it was a flu at worse . Nothing I ever didn’t witness before I thought . But there isn’t a flu strain alive that I’ve witnessed before ever even close to Covid . Ignored all guidelines and I even laughed and would tell people I’ve been without a mask most of the time etc. And have got not even a slight case of sniffles . Man did I get a reality check . So two notes I want to stress before I’m done with this article … One is that God is real and Jesus Christ spared my life and two but a little over two things I guess is .. please wear your mask in public places at all times , social distance whenever you can , wash your hands , use sanitizer when available and probably most importantly if you are compatible for vaccination please get vaccinated . Of course speak to your primary physician to see if and what vaccine is best for you . I myself unfortunately was not vaccinated and was told by multiple specialist and nurses while admitted in the hospital that they are only seeing unvaccinated paitents come in in severe cases like mine and even dying . Covid 19 vaccines have shown in studies to be effective more so than harmful . I know many have their theories on Covid 19 vaccines and yes there will always be adverse reactions and even in rare cases death in any medication’s created . But when science proves to be dominant it’s best to go with the science. I was not vaccinated due to fear of Pharmecuticals after I had an adverse reaction to a Flouroquinolone Antibiotic called Ciprofloxacin back in September 2020 which you could also read my article on that as well in my posts. And also I believed a few theories on Covid vaccines as well at the time . Please do not wait to get a reality check like I did . Until next time God Bless you all and stay safe

My Nightmare with A Flouroquinolone Antibiotic

It was summer of 2020 , life was going as great as it could go . It was nearing myself , my wife and my daughter’s birthday . Her 2nd birthday (yes we all 3 have the same birthday) 😊

Literally life couldn’t get any better than it was going . I was a strong energetic husband and father , living in the place of my dreams with the woman of my dreams , my beautiful little daughter and we were downright enjoying life ! Then as the summer neared its end into the last week of September of 2020 I caught a NASTY sinus infection . I got sinus infections from time to time throughout my life and even had surgery years ago on my sinuses . Typically when I get a sinus infection I just let it run its course or at worse I go to the supermarket and get a decongestant. However this sinus infection was literally like the ULTIMATE sinus infection . Like mentioned earlier I am not a medicine guy but being it was birthday week I wanted to feel good for our birthday . So I went to the doctor (BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER) While at my doctor he checked my face and nose and his response was you’re very swollen . But he said don’t worry we’re gonna knock it out . He then prescribed me an antibiotic named “CIPROFLOXACIN” before I get into the full blown story just know I was not warned of the MULTIPLE black box warnings on the antibiotic . I wasn’t warned by the doctor or the pharmacist .

I went to get the prescription filled with no worries at all as I have taken Antibiotics my entire life and never had any issues besides diarrhea while on them . While on Ciprofloxacin I felt what I considered basic side effects , which were Diarrhea , sensitivity to light (which I didn’t feel was so basic but not enough to stop the antibiotic) and I had a VERY unusual fatigue . Like this was literally a different kind of fatigue I never experienced before. I remember being at the park with my wife and daughter and telling my wife I feel like I can fall asleep right here on the floor if I laid down . As I finished the first course of antibiotics my sinus infection was gone but I had now developed rapid breathing and some bad stomach issues . I then followed up with my doctor and I told him the sinus infection is gone but now I got some breathing issue going on along with a stomach issue . His reply was …. The infection is not out of your body yet . It moved down into your lungs and your stomach . He then said don’t worry we’ll knock it out . He then signed me another prescription for Ciprofloxacin . This time again I was not warned by him neither was I warned by the pharmacist . I filled the scrip took it as prescribed and once again while on it I felt the same side effects as I did the first time while on it . However this time when taking the last pill some VERY ODD things began to happen and it only got worse from there on . After the last pill I woke up one morning with severe lockjaw . It was so bad I had to go to the hospital. At the hospital they told me this was TMJ and just to ice it and take something over the counter for the pain.

I went home did my best I could to relax all while dealing with a different kind of fatigue that I’ve never experienced before on any level . The following night while sleeping I woke up with a TERRYFYING experience where my eye sight went completely out on me and my eyes criss crossed on me . My eye sight was out for atleast 30 seconds . My wife asked me what was wrong as I was in a paranoid state . I then told her. After this terryfying incident I managed to go back to sleep and try to relax . That morning when waking up I had so much anxiety that I told my wife I was going to do a workout to let off some tension . Being I was a former boxer I did some shadow boxing to let off some tension . After the workout something very odd happened . Both my arms from the shoulders down went numb and fingers on both hands were tingling . My wife saw me acting odd checking my arms and asked me if I was ok . I told her both my arms are like numb from the shoulder down and fingers are tingling . My wife replied saying maybe you strained something working out . I told her couldn’t be I was only shadow boxing. For those that don’t know what shadow boxing is it’s (Throwing punches at air)

My wife said just try an relax which I tried to do . I went on with the day with this annoying feeling in my arms and fingers not knowing what was awaiting me this night coming. After the day was done and I went to sleep I woke up to the worse of the worse of this Ciprofloxacin experience. In the middle of the night that night I woke out of my sleep shaking uncontrollably . Shaking so bad I cracked two teeth in my mouth . I was sweating uncontrollably and my heart felt like I just finished running a sprint . In addition to this my arm’s were not only numb now but both my legs as well . And as if that wasn’t bad enough my mouth , tounge , lips and face were all numb as well . And I had this HORRIBLE metallic taste in my mouth as if I drank some type of chemical or something .

I immediately thought I was having a stroke . The only thing that stopped me from thinking it was a stroke was the metallic taste in my mouth which isn’t heard of in stroke symptoms . I then told my wife I gotta go to the hospital immediately . When at the hospital every test imaginable was ran on me . Ekg , CT scan of my brain , bloodwork as well . Everything came back normal except my blood pressure . Blood pressure was at 189/118 !!! Just a reminder I was only at my follow up doctor visit a week ago and blood pressure was 122/80 at my visit . They told me all tests were normal and it sounds like I was having a panic attack. Something I don’t even know what is because I never experienced one in my life . They offered me a Xanax and a Lisinopril for my blood pressure . I took the lisinopril but declined the Xanax as I never taken any pill ever like that before. While they were giving me the lisinopril which I only took due to fear of how high my blood pressure was . There were two doctors in the room one male and one female . The female doctor asked me have I been on any new medication as of lately and I told her only a antibiotic I just finished . She asked me the name and I told her Ciprofloxacin . She then responded with “that’s a very strong antibiotic” the male doctor then talked over her saying …. It’s not from that . And as crazy as this might sound I believed him . Never in a million years would I think an antibiotic could do to me what was going on with me . I was then sent home that night only to return to the hospital countless of times in the months to follow due to lots of the symptoms mentioned above . Each time to just be told over and over that all was normal .

As the months went on , the numbing continued along with the metallic taste in my mouth . New symptoms then arrived . Total loss of appetite . I was going 6 days straight not eating and could careless if that went on longer . I was throwing up blood every other day along with pooping blood as well . Legs were just getting worse and worse by the day . At this point I was for sure I was headed to a wheelchair . As my wife would have to help me walk just from the bedroom to the bathroom on a nightly basis. I then developed a paranoid feeling to be alone . I didn’t even want to use the bathroom by myself , when I showered I wanted my wife to stand in the bathroom until I was done . Before all of this I’ve never suffered any mental health issues in my life ever . This went on for months . Into the third month which was January of 2020 as I was deteriorating at an alarming rate. Me and my wife tried and tried to figure out what we did different around the time I got sick . My wife finally came to the conclusion that the only thing I did different that month and that exact week was take a antibiotic . Which we both said but that definitely can’t be the cause . In the meantime I wasn’t telling my wife but all that was floating in the back of my mind was I bet I have Cancer . My wife said it doesn’t hurt to look up the antibiotic you took . That went in one ear and out the other . But later on that night while lying down in my misery I said what the hell let me look it up . When I looked it up MY HEART LITERALLY DROPPED ! I WAS FLOXED AKA POISONED !!!

This led me to go back to my doctor and I told him why the hell would you prescribe me this ?!?! I’m not going to insert in here everything I said to and with him because that’s an article in itself . From this doctor visit this led to a journey of visits to specialist after specialist that conducted test after test . Those tests are …..

Cardiologist= Two echocardiograms , one regular one and one where you run on the treadmill and then lay on the table after and have the ultrasound done while your heart rate is elevated . Then I had an ultrasound leg Doppler that checked the bloodflow and arteries in both my legs , and I had a cartoid artery ultrasound Doppler . Each of these tests came back normal .

Neurologist= MRI of my brain , neck and lower back , EMG nerve conduction study and an MRA of my brain . Each one of these tests came back normal except my lower back MRI which said I have mild stenosis . Which my neurologist assured me 110% my symptoms wasn’t coming from the mild stenosis .

Vein Specialist= Ultrasound Doppler of the veins in my legs to make sure the blood was flowing properly . This test came back normal .

I was now left in a world of confusion with everyone telling me I was fine however I was deteriorating by the day . My legs were getting worse and worse and I had no idea what to do . All I could do was research my ass off trying to see how people healed from this damage which is called Flouroquinolone Toxicity ! I then met a good friend online who was Floxed at a young age from the same antibiotic and just about the same amount of pills I took as well . This young man was a LIFE SAVER TOO ME ! He told me to get a good multivitamin right away and a probiotic . Me and him talked countless hours a day and I just felt the need to listen to him even tho every floxies healing approach is different I didn’t know why I trusted him so much I just did . The journey of supplements from there on out is too much to mention here and if anyone wants to know which ones I took and which I feel helped or didn’t just drop me a comment and we can talk from there . Some I feel worked , some I feel were a waste of money . I spent countless of hours on the website Floxiehope reading healing testimonials which I prayed was going to be me one day . By the way yes it’s true you feel like you’re never going to heal when you’re going through this . It feels like there’s no chance and that the person you once were is gone forever so if you’re feeling like this now while reading this YES I FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE !

It does get better believe it or not . Whether that’s with time or supplements or both I’m not the person to ask that but all I know is it gets better . If there’s any advice I can give is to first and foremost look up how to detox flouride from your body because flouride is what damaged you from the Flouroquinolone . Do this and this first before you blow any money on any supplements , treatments or healing doctors . If this doesn’t work then I plead with you DO NOT TRY TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR !!! It is enough dealing with Flouroquinolone toxicity symptoms alone let alone now playing the role of a full on scientist / biochemist. My best advice to you is if doing all you can to detox flouride does not work then SEARCH FOR SOMEONE WHO SPECIALIZES IN FLOUROQUINOLONE TOXICITY !!! And the only reason I say this is … If you had a computer to get fixed you wouldn’t take it to an auto mechanic to get fixed right ? My point exactly . And I know what many are going to say and that is “well Flouroquinolone toxicity treatment is way too expensive”. For the price you are going to pay in time and supplements you just might as well pay someone who knows about this shit . Now , am I healed from Flouroquinolone toxicity ? Absolutely not ! Don’t ask me numbers percentage because I don’t believe in that all I know is I’m better than what I was in the beginning . Will I heal 100% and be the person I was before ? I cannot answer that because I am not God the Creator . Am I going to do my best to be normal again ? ABSOLUTELY ! I’m 9 months in now and gotten somewhat better. What I’m left with on a daily basis is still numb and heavy legs that sort of feel like they’re losing coordination sometimes . As weird as that might sound I know . And I deal with daily cognitive issues , lightheadedness / confusion . Kinda like I have a concussion every now and then if that makes any sense . Thing’s do get better . Hang in there , surround yourself with positive people . I’m not gonna tell you to stay off blogs even tho hundreds of people will tell you this to stay off blogs . Oddly going to them helped but as I felt better I stood off of them to avoid anxiety and PTSD . Stay busy let me say this again STAY BUSY !!!! I’LL EVEN SAY IT AGAIN STAY BUSY !!!! Staying busy has helped me immensely ! It kept my mind off of things . I am now playing with my daughter again minimally , exercising minimally , doing more fun things minimally . I have good and bad days but I do feel I will heal . And take care of your body to your best ability and I feel you will heal too . We are WARRIORS !!! Comment and I will respond to all and everyone. That’s my word . Much love to you all now let’s kick Flouroquinolones ass !

Are You Going To Live Free Today ? …

So many are going to punch a time clock today with an enormous amount of hate while doing so . Finally the time is going to narrow down to 20 mins until you can punch out and be free from your job . Before then though your boss is going to approach you and ask you … Would you like to stay for some overtime , because your coworker called out of work . Are you passionate about your dreams ? Do you literally itch to work on your passion? So here’s the moment of truth .. Your boss has asked you to stay for ( Time and a half ) to tap into your time of working on your passion. Let’s see how much that passion is TRULY worth. Now’s the time . Are you going to fold ? Are you going to spit in the face of your passion ? Choice is yours .

P.S. Imagine your coworker called out because he or she needed more time to work on his or her passion “WHOA” !!!!

~Live Free Media~

The Weakest Link In Business Is Always Management ….

Is it becoming more and more common to walk into businesses and continuously see employees browsing their mobile devices , how about those employees that just gather up with each other to discuss their personal life for majority of their shift leaving their paid tasks as a secondary priority . And how about those blatantly rude employees that are just 110% not happy to be in the company and want to take out all their frustrations on you the consumer who pays their salary . One has to ask .. What has happen to the quality of employees hired into businesses these days . Is it this new era ? Is it that people are over worked and underpaid ? Maybe the people of today just aren’t as durable as past employees ?

I believe it’s niether and i want to tell you how all these issues stem from the leaders put infront of these employees . Yes , All Roads Lead To Management !

The world of business at one point and time held high standards and appointed stern management into businesses . This is now something that has completely become a thing of the past . Due to poor management not only is businesses suffering but so is the very few dedicated workers who are working so hard to provide for their families and to help their companies reach it’s greatest potential . When we have a business void of good management we then get the few hard workers that must pick up the slack of these poor workers which i truly feel they are poor workers due to poor management . This is very sad for the dedicated hard workers because no matter how hard they work , their pay remains the same . This causes excessive wear and tear on dedicated employees , mental health issues and leaves hardworkers taking their commitment and dedication to other companies eventually .

So what is the cure to this problem ? The cure is bringing the manager back into management . Corporate leaders need to start empowering strong business minded people once again , people who are not afraid to play their roles as a manager . People who do not just want to keep the company afloat , but excel companies to their greatest heights . Most managers today seek management positions completely void of passion of managing a business . I mean lets face it … Manager positions always lead to bigger paychecks . They also lead to perks such as writing your own schedule , taking breaks and lunches when you choose etc.. Not many are sitting back saying … I want to become a manager to tackle every flaw our company has , to make it grow to new heights whether we succeed at this or not . They simply only see the money and the perks of the position . And i completely understand wanting to earn a better income but i cannot express enough how many times i see managers that just look like they want to run into oncoming traffic due to their stress from their positions . Why take a position if you cannot find some sort of passion in it ? “Now” does this picture start to appear more clearer to you? As i said above , money and perks are why so many are taking manager positions . Have you ever had a problem or looked at a problem and eagerly searched for a way to solve that problem to then finally get what you want ? Well in this very same way is how managers must approach their positions . See a problem , solve a problem . And yes .. Passion has to be involved . Even if it’s slightly passionate .

Managers… Discipline can make or break an employee . Make as in make an employee a great employee , break as in break them down and they quit and this leaves the doors open to greater potential . So managers .. Tell your employee to put the phone away , less talking with coworkers and more working , police the grounds more . It is the only way to revive businesses . some see this as a harsh way to run a business , however what’s harsh is when your business comes crashing down . Don’t let this be you . If you’re going to get into management then MANAGE ! Businesses are hurting tremendously nation wide right now and the only repair can come from solid management . Catapult your business back to greatness with great solid management today .

~Chuck Jeannette~

Decision Fatigue And How It Can Bring You Down ….

Do you often find yourself wondering what to wear ? Wondering what to buy on holidays ? Maybe you even go back and forth daily wondering what to eat . This can absolutely cause the moment that you’re living in to become a recipe for a straight forward depression that you seriously do not need .

Just the other day i was planning for my daughter’s first birthday , when noticing i was stuck in the card aisle of my local supermarket for over ten minutes . All in hopes of finding… “The Perfect Birthday Card” I pondered and pondered my thoughts constantly on.. “it has to be such and such” only to eventually leave the aisle with a blank card . It finally dawned on me .. “When i said to myself” (What The Hell Am I Doing?) I am literally lost in this aisle trying to find SOMEONE ELSE’S words to speak to MY CHILD ! And to remind you … I’m far from this type of person . I am as real of a person as one could be . But this goes to show you , no matter how strong your core values are , that you can still get caught in the traps of marketing attraction and also in the traps of trying to keep up with the Jones’s .

We are literally living in a world where everyone else is controlling our thought process but ourselves . We dress to impress , we talk certain ways to impress , we even eat certain foods to impress . Yes you read that correct .. We eat to impress ! Ever found yourself gazing at a menu wanting what you truly want but then remembering that hot cover model’s body that you so yearn for ? It’s almost as if you’re not in line yourself ordering the food . It’s as if they’re right next to you telling you … Eat what i eat if you yearn to be me . We batter our human spirit on a daily basis all in hopes of being like others ,who we don’t even know personally and that wouldn’t do a thing for us if we did . My mother had a saying when i was growing up that went … (If They Don’t Feed You , Keep A Roof Over Your Head Or Put Clothes On You , Then You Need Not Worry About What They Think Or Say)

These word’s couldn’t be more true . We are sickening ourselves day in and out to keep up with what others are doing . We won’t eat certain things , we won’t dress comfortable , we won’t speak our minds , all due to what other’s might think of us . Why are we building these prisons when we’re completely free human beings ? Ask yourself this .. What could be more comfortable than dressing the way YOU love to dress , what could be more better than speaking your mind , what could be more enjoyable than eating what you enjoy to eat ? And what could be a better birthday card for your loved ones than a blank card that YOU can speak your true feelings through. Why are we giving ourselves over to others opinions ?

Next time you’re standing infront of a mirror , look at yourself. Look at yourself and smile and be 110% happy with who you are . Next time you’re in line at the fast food resturant order that juicy bacon and cheese burger while the unhappy order the salad . Next time you wake up in the morning put on what makes you comfortable . The only way you can be at your best is if you do what’s best for YOU ! Atleast give it a try . Trust me you won’t regret it . Stop giving society a remote control that controls your everyday thoughts . Think Free and LIVE FREE .

~Chuck Jeannette~

What’s The Point In Vacationing ?….

Are you working all year long just to take a measly one week to vacation to a hot sunny state ? Where you will sit on the beach , stay at the finest hotel and rant about how you would love to live like this everyday of your life . Better yet the money you’re spending to do this all . Some people spend close to 10 thousand dollars a year just to vacation . For some people that’s close to their yearly total living expenses . By the way … You can calculate your total living expenses by adding up your monthly rent or mortage times 6 or times 12 . Do the same with your phone bill , cable , utilities etc. And this will get you a ballpark number of a 6 month expense list or a yearly one . With this number you’ll be able to see what you’re spending in a six month span and or a 12 month span . Then you will clearly see some people pay just as close to their yearly expenses as they do for their vacations .

Now this is not a party pooper article telling you to be frugal and or not to live your life to the fullest . In fact this is the complete opposite . This article is to push you to have more vacations and live more abundant than you ever have before . Now you might be saying … Wait a minute, he just said what’s the point in vacationing . Let me ask you this …. Do you like working hard all year long coming home day in and day out , dreading each day and constantly dwelling on the vacation to come months down the road from now ? Or .. Would you rather save that money you been saving for vacation to relocate to a hot state , where the beaches are open all year around . Some people are spending close to 5 to 10 thousand dollars a year vacationing . Let’s use the lower end for example . 5 thousand dollars a year for 5 years is a total of 25 thousand dollars . That’s more than enough for a down payment on a house in a state where the beaches are open all year around .

Wouldn’t you like to come home from work everyday and know the beach is only 10-15 mins away from your home . Imagine coming home day after day and being able to go sit in the sun . Able to relax at home and go to the beach whenever you choose . The worse day of vacation is the night before you know you have to leave your paradise that you paid so much for . There is no worse feeling than the thought of having to go back to work and back to that state you dread so much . So … What is the point in vacationing ? Why not save your money , relocate to a state where you would be able to visit the beach each time you have a day off from work . Makes sense ? Comment below on why you take vacations .

~Chuck Jeannette~

How You Can Live On your Own Terms….

Ever thought of or shall i say dreamed of working for yourself ? Imagine no alarm clock to awakening to every morning , writing your own schedule , wearing your own attire and also making as much money a day as you choose to make . Or does this seem so far fetched to you that you are literally aching inside from the desire ?

Living on your own terms is not easy , but it also isn’t rocket science . Most of the time we constantly hear people say … They don’t have the time ,or … Only if i had the time i would build my own buisness etc. The phrase “Time is money” has never reigned more true . Time is actually money and money is actually time , and I’m going to expain to you why . Let’s say you’re right. Let’s say it really is time that is holding you back . Maybe you work excessive hours at your typical job , heck … Maybe your job even requires mandatory overtime . I know what you’re saying … Well i can’t reduce my hours or I’ll be fired. You might not be in charge of time in that sense, but what you are in charge of is your money and your strategy.

A company might place demands on you for an excessive amount of your time , but they can never dictate how you control your money and or how you strategize your life . The fact that you currently work excessive hours already automatically says you earn more income than the average employee who works a standard 40 hour work week . Now … let’s enter “Living On Your Own Terms” … By working excessive hours weekly , more income is being brought home than the standard 40 hour work week . This can equate to bigger savings . Bigger savings can equate to bigger opportunities . Of course if planned correctly . The problem in America these days isn’t not making enough money , the problem is not investing that money into increasing your knowledge and increasing vaule . In fact it’s not even that . Increasing our vaule and our knowledge is mostly free in this day and era . It’s the money that people are making that they are not taking action with and investing . If people were taking just 10% out of their weekly paycheck and saving it and then eventually investing it into something they’re passionate about , that alone would be the start to the path to living on your own terms .

For some it’s time . Constantly in today’s world it’s heard more and more …. (If only i had the time i would learn something new etc.) If it’s truly time that is hindering you , then this is where saving weekly can dramatically open up time for you . If you were to write down six months of your life expenses and then work toward saving that amount that you calculated and came up with , you would have the opportunity to either take a leave of absence from your job to then work on either your side hustle and or your passion without the worry of giving the majority of your time to your job . This would open up an Abundant amount of time for you to work on your living on your own terms plan . If we would just take a step backwards to take a Huge leap forward , we would indeed thank ourselves for it in the long run . If you saved 6 months of your monthly living expenses , you would have 6 months of time to work on getting either your side hustle or your passion off of the ground . This is more than enough time to atleast start a foundation. Some will never do this . Some will say … Sounds great in theory but it’s just way too risky . What’s risky is always waiting to try and then growing old one day and saying you wish you tried . You can always get another job but one thing you cannot get back is time . Start saving , start investing , and Start living on your own terms today !

~Chuck Jeannette~

4 ways “YOU” can earn more money ….

There are a multitude of ways you can earn more money . However , many of those options come with a price and a price that you have to ask yourself , is it worth paying for ? In an ever growing world with companies expanding , shifting to 24 hour facilities , long days , and with the growing of the internet and entrepreneurship one can only ask , where do they turn to earn more money ? I am going to take the confusion off of your hands in this article with four proven ways to earn more money . The ways are legitimate , the prices are costly and ultimately the decision is yours to make in the end . So without any further ado here are four ways you can earn more money .

1. The first way you can earn more money is by taking advantage of this ever growing expansion of companies in our country today . That is the many that are switching to and or already are 24 hour facilities . Many companies offer endless amounts of overtime , 7 days a week and some are almost unlimited to how many hours a day you can work . This can easily take your pay to time and a half of what you currently make . Depending on how many days and how many long hours in a day you work this can make a significant difference in your normal weekly paycheck .However… I spoke of earlier on a price to pay . In the United States today , the rise of physical deterioration and mental deterioration has more than quadrupled in numbers . We have more divorce rates than ever , and more children growing distant from their parents than any previous generation .Many years ago we lived in a society where a parent could work and the other parent stay home and spend majority of their time with their child . This was typically the mother that was a stay at home mom while dad went to work . Most of these issues above stem from overworked parents who are almost never home and when home are almost always on edge causing a cynical relationship with their significant other and or children . Ask yourself , is long hours worth it for you ?

2. Second way you can earn money is through a side hustle . A side hustle can be a multitude of things and it can also be an addition to the first way you can make money . That is of course if you are that ambitious to put in those many hours a week . Another benefit of a side hustle is you can do a regular part time or regular 40 hour a week full time job and then do a side hustle after 8 hours (standard time) or you can do your side hustle on your days off from your regular job . A side hustle can easily trump time and a half at your regular job . Depending what your side hustle is that is . A side hustle in only a hour or less at times can make you way more than time and a half from your regular job. If done consistently as well it can make you near or even as much as your current job depending on the consistency of your side hustle . If you’re ambitious enough you can even possibly quit your regular job one day in place of your side hustle .

3. The third way to make money is the internet . Many years ago our parents or ancestors didn’t have this option . They were more likely to have to do numbers 1 and 2 of this article . However , we’re fortunate to not be in those times any longer . Nowadays you can take your old watch , throw it up on a site such as eBay and cha ching there’s instant money without putting your back into it at all . With the opportunities constantly growing on the internet it is even possible these days to put to rest your regular job and your side hustle . The internet and it’s opportunities are growing at an alarming rate and if you like to and or want to earn more money , then to not take adavantage of it’s opportunities would be foolish. Learn the internet and it’s paths to greater income today for a better tomorrow . That leads me to number four which goes hand in hand with number three .

4. The fourth and final way to increase your income is through increasing your learning ability. And the reason this goes hand in hand with number three is because the internet is now the number one leading income source in the entire world . By increasing your skills and knowledge you can more than quadruple your income . Imagine being able to quit your regular job and not even having to do your side hustle anymore either . You don’t have to imagine any longer . It’s here and it’s 110% possible . Are you willing to turn down overtime at work constantly to come home and learn more about the endless opportunities available online . Are you willing to invest in books , online courses etc. Are you willing to come home and not watch reruns of your favorite television episodes , not browse social media , all to learn more about the money making opportunities online ?. It will require daily dedication and daily sacrifice . But keep in mind … Nothing great in life comes easy . We live in a time and era where you can run a buisness right from the comfort of your own home . To not look into this atleast is certainly cheating ourselves . Increase your learning ability today so that you can have a better tomorrow .

And there you go . There’s four ways you can earn more money . Let me know in the comments below what you’re doing to earn more money .

~Chuck Jeannette~

Why Being a 2+2 person always wins !

Do you ever wake up bombarded with decisions before you even yawn ? Does the thought of the day and it’s tasks drain you even before those pesky e-mails and social media notifications etc. ? Here’s how being a 2+2 person can erase all of those worries .

Have you ever stopped and wondered why people wear pajamas in public ? What is it and why , that they cannot put on proper attire ? Is it because they really don’t care ? Enter “DECISION FATIGUE” …. Most people have reached a point of not caring about almost anything these days but getting the day done and over with . This is a sad way to live as this life holds so many great things we can have and work towards getting if we just work on getting some of those distractions out of the way . These distractions are all around us . In music videos , magazines , social media platforms etc. Some of us are so drained trying to out due their friends list that they just come to a point of not caring at all anymore . You see , 2+2 has always equaled 4 and will always equal 4 . The 2+2 lifestyle is simply being what the moment calls for . If we were to just simply apply the 2+2 lifestyle we would see a record breaking number of people stress and depression free . Being a 2+2 person is simply wearing shoes and or heels to a wedding , corporate meeting’s , fancy dinner’s etc. Wearing sports gear to the gym , wearing snow jackets in the winter , saying no when you want to say no etc. After all .. you wouldn’t wear work boots to a wedding right ? Then why are you living way off of a 2+2 lifestyle day in and day out ? Why are we wearing basketball shorts to Friday night dinners ? It’s because we’re not living 2+2 . Simplify your life and use what was intended for the moment . I would never wear sports gear out to shop , not because I have any sort of holier than thou attitude , but simply because I know what sports gear was designed for . It was designed for sweat , designed for athletes etc. This is how decision making should be carried all around . If we use our time the same way , we can reach a productivity level we never knew we possessed .

For example …. Set out your goals and stick to them no matter what . Let’s Say you want to start a business and you need to learn more on starting a business . Ask yourself this , is it worth always staying over at your job when they offer extra hours ? Building up that fatigue , coming home more and more exhausted and not being able to focus on your bigger plans . Or , is it easier to just say 2+2=4 ? You see , the 2+2 method can be applied to all and everything in life being you’re willing to apply it . In a nutshell, let your yes’s be yes and your no’s be no . Besides , you owe it to yourself to be a 2+2 person . Don’t waste time stressing yourself out trying to keep up with some one else’s beat of the drum . Life is way to great to not be a 2+2 person . Kill decision fatigue today with a 2+2 lifestyle .

~Chuck Jeannette~

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